164 private links
Manage cryptographic keys, sigchains and user identities.
Search for keys, verify and import them.
Securely store passwords and secrets.
Encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify (using Saltpack).
Create a secure connection (Wormhole) between 2 computers (using Noise).
Most features available in both the app and on the command line.
100% open source (github.com/keys-pub) and cross platform (macOS, Windows, Linux).
GitQlient, pronounced as git+client (/gɪtˈklaɪənt/) is a multi-platform Git client originally forked from QGit. Nowadays it goes beyond of just a fork and adds a lot of new functionality.
The original idea was to provide a GUI-oriented Git client that was easy to integrate with QtCreator (currently shipped as GitQlientPugin). This idea has grown since the day 1 to not only cover the integration with QtCreator but also to make it an app on it’s own.